Children’s Commissioner’s response to Senedd Committee Report on disabled children’s access to childcare and education

This is a hugely significant report from the committee. One of its five key conclusions is that children’s rights to education are being breached in Wales. This is a stark message that the Welsh Government must take incredibly seriously. We cannot fail a generation of children by doing nothing. The report contains comprehensive recommendations that could transform children’s lives if implemented together. 

The report echoes what my office has heard through our casework service and in reports we’ve published over previous years; I shared some of this evidence with the Committee, and our Advice service has continued to hear about the impact of these experiences, which must not allow to continue. Children and families are often left in limbo without the support or provision they need, missing out on their human rights and not having their basic needs met. 

The Welsh Government must respond fully and comprehensively to this report without delay, outlining the steps they’ll take to address the issues being faced by children and families in every corner of Wales.