Commissioner calls for children in Wales to be awarded their centre assessed grades

17 August 2020

The Commissioner also called on Welsh Government to consider delaying GCSE results until ‘they can achieve pupil confidence’.

Responding to the outcry from young people regarding the way A-level and other qualification grades were calculated on Thursday the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland, said,

“It’s clear that the system put in place to grade students has failed to give all pupils the results they deserve. I now see no alternative but to switch to teacher assessments to give individual justice to those young people who rightfully feel so aggrieved.

“These young people have had no opportunity to prove themselves. They’ve been on a roller coaster since March and many feel that their life chances have been severely altered by a system over which they had no control. Those young people are speaking up strongly now and I am listening. Government and universities must too.

“I’m also calling on the government to consider a short delay to the publication of GCSE results this Thursday unless they can be absolutely certain they can achieve public confidence.

“To admit when you got something wrong and to learn from it is something we tell young people they must do. It’s a growth mindset. In government, it is a sign of leadership.”[0]=68.ARAEeTtuB8EmDiR7f5XiHR6J9mc_LdwYGOTnysFbmRSSeQyv_eoh7BEYtQjHp0_bpKZ-cVQgjCy8cckYH0DodG92VkYvIY7zZUytvPi2-RWs5Cdd9WHhkal7fiq124Fx6PyZa4B0epjmcVR6e–V4tZNm70tpDlbKp-co0pR_qpjxFtC3DPsxNHu0sKG4jAWzQxvjFmaowqUAMQSGmLZNpJyCYN6KWBjswLUlDC860XRKU1VD7SGumxzAxQLELbOjtfdSZK0Q_M63-PsnOBWqdjUIUktUybIK1SwmCdIy4THzniKnLfMJjJEgf5N_bAoc2X4SgoFH46k7Arc_PLLGUmZiiA7KvrgfMM-O90H&__tn__=-R