Category: News

CCFW team takes part in Blog Action Day

Take a look at our poem on the theme of inequality.

Casllwchwr pupils host a great webinar

The Children's Commissioner recently visited Casllwchwr school in Swansea for an interactive webinar

Launch of Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ annual report

Keith Towler, the Children's Commissioner for Wales, has launched his Annual Report.

Community Ambassadors’ News

A news report with a difference from the Children's Commissioner for Wales' Community Ambassadors group. Talk of rights, equality, and warnings of dog poo!

North Wales Care Leavers’ Event 2014

Our second event for care leavers took place in August for children and young people in North Wales.

Care Leavers’ Event 2014

Shoot! Splash! Jump! Read about our third annual event for children and young people in care and care leavers.

Increasing concerns over essential safeguarding service

Vulnerable children and young people in the care system across Wales are still being denied the right to an independent professional 'voice', known as an advocate, fourteen years since a high profile inquiry (the Waterhouse Tribunal) into child abuse in care homes recommended the service should be available to all child complainants.

Short Breaks Report Launch

The Children's Commissioner for Wales, Keith Towler, is to launch a key piece of work that will examine the short breaks provision in Wales for disabled children and their carers in an event at the Senedd on July 3.

Pupil Referral Units seen as an afterthought

A report looking at pupil referral units, where some of Wales' most vulnerable learners are taught, has concluded that practice is inconsistent and that they're too often seen as an afterthought both within local and national priorities.