CCfW News

“Welsh Government should not abandon years of work on urgent changes to protect the rights of home educated children”

23 June 2020 In response to the Welsh Government’s decision to not bring forward new Regulations and Statutory Guidance for […]

‘Major change needed’ in mental health and wellbeing care for vulnerable children

Some of Wales’ most vulnerable children are being bounced between services who cannot agree who is responsible for their care, […]

‘We need to pull together now to remove barriers that are preventing our children from learning and our teachers from teaching’

19 June 2020 Responding to the recently-published research by UCL on children’s experiences of home learning and the developments yesterday […]

Commissioner responds to Welsh Government guidance for re-opening school buildings

10 June 2020 Responding to new guidance issued today by the Welsh Government about the return to school in June […]

Coronavirus and Me survey results published

8 June 2020 54% of young people aged 12-18 who completed a nationwide Coronavirus survey are worried about falling behind […]

Coronavirus – Commissioner says parents should continue to get medical help for their children

23 April 2020 Some children might be at risk because of parents’ reluctance to seek medical help, or support with parenting during […]

Commissioner responds to the Head of Ruthin School’s dismissal

3 February 2020 Professor Sally Holland said: “I am pleased the Council of Management took decisive action this weekend. The […]

Response to developments relating to Ruthin School in Denbighshire

24 January 2020 Professor Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, said: “We are aware of the concerns that have been […]

Transport for children with additional needs ‘not good enough’

3 October 2019 Some young people with additional learning needs across Wales are being denied access to their education due […]