CCfW News

‘Social media companies are failing to keep young people safe online’ – Children’s Commissioner

24 July 2023 Commenting on a BBC Wales investigation into how social media apps can be used to criminally and […]

Two-child limit: ‘A cruel policy that must be scrapped’ according to Children’s Commissioner

13 July 2023 Along with leading children’s rights organisations from across the UK, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales has called […]

‘Now is not the time to reduce support’ according to Children’s Commissioner

4 July 2023 Responding to reductions in support for children through out-of-term free school meal provision, and the school essentials […]

Response to ‘Rapid review of child protection arrangements – interim findings’

Commenting on Care Inspectorate Wales’ report, ‘Rapid review of child protection arrangements – interim findings’, Rocio Cifuentes MBE said: “I […]

Commissioner responds to draft Welsh Government Child Poverty strategy

19 June 2023 Responding to the draft Child Poverty Strategy published by the Welsh Government, Rocio Cifuentes MBE said: “Poverty […]

Commissioner welcomes UN Committee’s focus on child poverty

Welcoming the UN Committee’s concluding observations, making recommendations to the UK Government and devolved governments, including Welsh Government, Rocio Cifuentes MBE […]

Commissioners call for improved provision for Additional Learning Needs services through the Welsh language

In an event at the Urdd Eisteddfod today (1 June) the Welsh Language Commissioner and the Children’s Commissioner will come […]

Response to statutory home education guidance

Responding to statutory guidance published on 12 May 2023, Rocio Cifuentees MBE said: “As a result of a review carried […]

Commissioner’s response to child practice review figures

Commenting on a BBC Wales news story about the number of child practice reviews in progress in Wales, Rocio Cifuentes […]