The Children's Commisioner for Wales, Rocio Cifuentes looking straight at the camera smiling.

Commissioner’s Blog and Newsletters

Here you’ll find the blog and newsletters of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales.

Rocio Cifuentes became the Children’s Commissioner in April 2022.

June Newsletter

Launching our Three Year Strategy Last month we published our new three-year-strategy, outlining what we’ll do over the next three years to protect and promote children’s rights in Wales. The strategy sets out our vision, our mission and our purpose to help make life better for children and young…

May Newsletter

Ysgol y Dderwen May has been a month full of fantastic school visits by Rocio and members of our Participation Team. It has been great to see how different schools incorporate rights learning both in their classrooms and their outdoor areas. A visit to Ysgol y Dderwen in Carmarthen…

April Newsletter

Community Ambassadors At the end of March, Rocio was really pleased to host her first North Wales Community Ambassadors event. The event brought groups together from across North Wales to meet the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, to learn more about children’s rights and share their thoughts and feelings about…

March Newsletter

A No Wrong Door to Neurodiversity: a book of experiences This month saw the culmination of work we’ve been doing with children and their families who are looking for help and support with neurodevelopmental conditions and undiagnosed neurodivergence. Included in our book are experiences of children and their families,…

February Newsletter

UN 94th Session on Human Rights This month Rocio attended the 94th pre-session at the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva, Switzerland. A pre-session meeting is an opportunity for children’s human rights defenders, such as children’s commissioners and civil society organisations, to meet with the…

January Newsletter

A message from Rocio – her hopes for 2023 Happy New Year all, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda pawb, and really hope that 2023 is treating you well so far. A new year always brings with it a sense of hope and possibility, and so I thought I would share with…

My advisory panel share their thoughts on Andrew Tate

On Monday I asked my young people’s advisory panel about Andrew Tate, the influencer whose controversial, and often misogynistic content has been widely discussed over the last few weeks. My panel consists of young people aged 11-18 from all over Wales, who advise me and my team on our…

My first time voting

Can you remember the first time you voted? How did you feel? Our Communications Officer Lewis shares his personal reflections of voting for the first time, not knowing much about politics, and his hopes for the future. I was 19 when I voted for the first time in an…

First three months

It’s been three months since I took up the post of Children’s Commissioner for Wales, an important job, standing up for the rights of the 630,000 children who live in Wales. One of the most important parts of my role is listening to what children and young people tell…

Guest post by Fatjona Koka – Work Placement

My time at the Children’s Commissioner for Wales I was offered a 16 weeks placement at the Children’s Commissioner for Wales from the organisation that I have volunteered for years, Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST). I firstly had an online meeting with the participation team officer…