Download The Right Way: A children’s right approach to tackling child poverty
Living in poverty continues to have a corrosive, destructive and enduring impact on children’s lives, and has a fundamental impact on their human rights too.
In November 2023, we teamed up with partners Children’s Legal Centre Wales, Swansea University’s Observatory on Human Rights of Children, and Children in Wales to host a summit where we explored children’s rights breaches resulting from child poverty and how a children’s rights approach might address some of the challenges identified.
Whilst children’s human rights are relevant to all laws and guidance, at that summit, we explored the various specific statutory duties onWelsh Government and other public bodies in Wales which function to protect children from the impact of poverty, and which should help to lift children out of poverty. Welsh Government Ministers have additional obligations in relation to children’s rights, and you can read more about all these duties in the briefing below by Swansea University’s Observatory on Human Rights and Social Justice and Children’s Legal Centre Wales.
We’ve produced a series of Right Way guides, providing practical frameworks for working with children, grounded in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to help public bodies integrate children’s rights into every aspect of decision-making, policy and practice and, critically, to assist public bodies in delivering on their duties. This latest supplement provides guidance on a children’s rights approach (CRA) to child poverty – it outlines a practical framework that supports the fulfilment of children’s rights. It offers for public bodies a holistic way of working that supports principled and practical implementation of all the rights of children, including rights that impact on child poverty.
We’ve also created other free bilingual resources that will support public bodies:
Children’s Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA)
A Children’s Rights Approach to Education